leap year bitches!

Animals, Bad, Friends, FunTimes, Girls, Good, Hate, ItchyFingers, JustRandom, Karma, Life, love, TragicMagik, TrueStory, Weekend

so this leap year thing cud be interesting for the reason that it falls on friday. if im not mistaken this only happens every 16 years. whatever denver..

anyhoo, id like to wish happy bday to some one specialed (yes its a past tense) and hope that her wish and dreams come true.

there will be a big arse party over at my apartment and i will video it and put it on youtube as soon as i edit out some illegal shit. saike..

peace out girl scout!

my lovely red merah

Animals, BlogRoll, Friends, FunShit, JustRandom, Life, PePet, RoundAbout, Weather

i woke up with a panic this morning. its been snowing for the past 5 days and i enjoy sleeping in cold weather. i thought i had a final exam today and literally jumped out of my bed and into the shower. one other thing that sort of therapeutic for me is hot shower on a snowy day. i get the same feeling as meditating – with the hot steamy water running down my head and lathering the soap all over my bare naked body. i gotta becareful with my nicotine patches though (i put 2 patches sometimes – just to get that vivid dreams ).

merah  free spirit

ive been wanting to put up the picture of merah and finally i woke up early enough to take a picture of her. she is so pretty and she takes me from point A to point B. i used to ride her to get grocery, rent movies, go to school, friends’ apartment but lately kyle has been driving me everywhere. this is a picture of him


during my freetime and whenever i my sheesha buddies come and chill, i would take my hookah out. i think i should name her biru but shes no that blue. she is purple and i love it. thomas gave me this pretty hookah a few years back and its definitely one of my favourite things that i own.

hookah1   hookah2

the base is made of chech crystal and the purplish blue tower is made of some gem stone. its very pretty and i have to admit that i have been neglecting her. i guess when you get something so easy you tend to take it for granted and you will never know what its worth until you loose it. well, i almost lost her once and i promise that i will never leave her behind – ever again.

while im at it, im gonna put up some pictures from the thanksgiving weekend. kyle, doris and i drove to montrose and during the 5 hour crampy (but funky) ride, we stoped at a national park called rickets glenn (i think this is how you spell it). kyle said that he used to go there pretty often and he had seen all the 33 waterfalls over there. ive seen 2 of them and they were damn gorgeous!

rickets glenn    rickets glenn

actually im updating my flickr account and i happen to have so many pictures on me right now. below is doris’ pet cat and she’s so shady. i call her shady sade but doris call her sexy sade. whatever. she is just a cat. dont get me wrong, i love cat and i grew up around so many cats when i was a lot younger. mother use to feed all the stray cats on our block, so our pet cat, tompok, can mingle around and socialize. more like a window for promiscuous sex but nevertheless, i remember crying when he died from a dog bite in 1986. anyhoo, have you ever heard people talking to their pet? i have and sometimes it gets on my nerve. i seriously dont think that cat really understand what you are talking about – unless if you have the pocket translator for cat language. cats are cute but they dont speak human language!

sade1     sade2

so its been snowing and snowing and im a’wondering – when will this shit stop. its pretty cold – tad bit too cold for my tropical butt. i remember when i was in nyc, it was snowing pretty hard when andy and i went to my apt to chill after the bar at about 5am. we played snowfight and it was so intense. i can imagine some one getting injured from it but we had so much fun.